Bloodborne Pathogens

21 Jul
"Oh, I don't have to worry about that." "It's not that big of a deal." "I'm careful, what else is there to know?" When referring to bloodborne pathogens, phrases like these can be dangerous. Over 6…
21 Jul
    It's an infectious disease that spans the globe, affecting millions every year. It's plagued mankind for an unknown number of millennia. Wherever man has traveled, it's traveled with it, a…
21 Jul
You've recently found yourself amid a global health emergency. The COVID-19 pandemic has got you thinking. The spread of disease may have been a foreign concept to you or something you used to not…
Is Syphilis a Bloodborne Pathogen?
20 Jul
In 2018, the combined cases of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia in the United States reached all-time highs. Cases of syphilis among newborns, where the infection was contracted from the mother,…
20 Jul
Nearly six million Americans risk exposure to bloodborne pathogens at work each year. Many of these workers are in the healthcare industry. They generally expect and recognize their risk.  A…
20 Jul
  If you're looking to join the medical field, it's very important to understand the various methods of pathogens transmissions. But that's only the beginning. Knowing where potential infections…
20 Jul
Have you heard of a bloodborne pathogen? Are you wondering, "What type of germ is a bloodborne pathogen?" If any of these questions perplex you, you're in the right place for you Bloodborne…
20 Jul
There are roughly 1,000 sharps-related injuries each day. When you realize the volume of incidents involving scalpels, needles, or other sharp objects, it is easy to see why needle stick injury…
20 Jul
Imagine you have the perfect team of dentists and hygienists, and you love working with patients. Being a dentist can be fulfilling, but that doesn't exempt your dentist office from the challenges…
22 Jan
Imagine you're put in a Good Samaritan scenario. You drive past someone bleeding out on the road, and you stop to help. Wait! There's an important step to take before you try to help someone else.…