
20 Jul
We all know that the HIPAA privacy rule is strict. Your teams need HIPAA training to make sure they know the law to avoid violations and the huge fines that come with them. A complete guide can be…
20 Jul
More than 2.3 million Americans are known to have contracted coronavirus. Despite a massive worldwide response to the pandemic, information on the virus remains limited. Treatment options continue to…
20 Jul
Estimates show that 25 to 30 percent of workers will be working from home several days a week by the end of 2021. The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated that trend but it's not an option for every…
20 Jul
In light of the coronavirus pandemic, the Office of Civil Rights has effectively commissioned a paper trail that traces a tested individual's health status across various areas of their life. This…
20 Jul
As of the middle of June 2020, more than 2.2 million cases of coronavirus had been reported in the United States. On average, more than 30,000 new cases are still reported daily.  Lowered quarantine…