HIPAA Privacy

26 Dec
Have you ever wondered how your personal health information is protected when you visit a doctor or hospital? The HIPAA Privacy Rule is the cornerstone of healthcare data security. It outlines…
HIPAA Release Form
05 Dec
As a healthcare professional, you understand the importance of protecting patient privacy and maintaining HIPAA compliance. One aspect of this responsibility is understanding the role and…
Does the HIPAA Privacy Rule Relate to You?
25 Jul
If you are a health plan, health care clearinghouse, or health care provider, you are a HIPAA Covered Entity (CE). If health plans or health care providers use services of other persons or businesses…
What is the HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule of 2013?
24 Jan
History of Laws Leading Up to Omnibus Policymaking in the United States can feel quite confusing, so before explaining the final Omnibus Rule, it’s essential to define a few terms and describe what…
What is an Incidental Disclosure?
10 Jan
As extensively documented in other articles on the site, the HIPAA privacy rule has highly detailed regulations regarding what patient health information (PHI) is, how it needs to be protected and…
notice of privacy practices
01 Nov
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires its covered entities to distribute a plain-language Notice of Privacy Practices (NPPs) to all patients describing…
What is a HIPAA Business Associate Agreement?
16 Sep
It can be challenging, if not impossible, for an organization to operate without the involvement of third parties. A third-party organization may create, receive, maintain, or transmit protected…
Everything You Need to Know About Healthcare Data Security
20 Jul
  Did you know that healthcare data violations can have extremely heavy criminal and civil penalties attached to them? For example, if people don't realize the seriousness of their violations, they…
20 Jul
  Every medical professional's worst nightmare? A HIPAA Privacy Rule violation. HIPAA is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This law established the legal protection for a…
20 Jul
In today's digital world, people are often asked to exchange information about themselves or their habits for the use of online platforms like social media and e-commerce. This knowledge doesn't…