Toll Free
9AM - 5PM CST (M-F)
Faculty: James Bright, MBA-HR
Successful Completion: Complete entire module, complete the exam with a passing score of 80% or better, and complete the evaluation form.
Estimated Time to Complete Activity: 60 minutes.
CEUs: HIPAA Exams is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEUs for this program. CEU Information
Free Certification of Completion available instantly for download or printing upon successful completion.
The purpose of this self-paced eLearning course is to take employees and employers through the guidance, recommendations, and best practices of OSHA and CDC when it comes to preparing the workplace for COVID-19. This course is designed for ALL business types, no matter the industry.
Employees and employers will learn what COVID-19 is, how it is spread, what its symptoms are, and then how they can prevent and protect against it in the workplace. Provides specific education on hand hygiene and PPE usage in the workplace.
Course includes interactive eLearning component and stand alone test.
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this course, learners should be able to:
- Recall what is COVID-19 and it's most common symptoms
- Identify how COVID-19 spreads and the length of time of infection
- List the different Risk Exposure Groups and provide examples of each
- Review and apply the different OSHA and CDC recommendations on how to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in a workplace
- Explain additional recommendations based on the Risk Exposure Group your workplaces belongs in
Target Audience
This course is designed for all employees and employers regardless of industry. It is designed for anyone who works within a business setting, including Healthcare/Dental Workers, Retail Sales, Corporate Offices, Small Businesses, Schools/Colleges, etc.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents:
Preparing the Workplace for COVID-19
- Intro to Course (5 minutes)
- What is COVID-19 (5 minutes)
- How a COVID-19 Outbreak Affects the Workplace (10 minutes)
- Steps Workplaces Can Do to Reduce Risk (20 minutes)
- What to Do to Protect Workers Based on their Employee Exposure Risk (10 minutes)
- Standalone test (10 minutes)
Course Content Example 1:
First reported in Wuhan City, China in December of 2019, COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that can potentially lead to death. It is considered the most contagious strain of coronavirus yet, and due to that was declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Symptoms can include:
- Fever
- Cough/Sore throat
- Shortness of breath
- Headache
- Loss of taste or smell
- and more
80% of patients with COVID-19 experience mild/moderate symptoms, while up to 20% will experience sever issues requiring hospitalization. It is also possible to be asymptomatic and show no signs of illness. The known percentage of asymptomatic carriers is limited at this time due to testing constraints. Similarly, it can take between 2 to 14 days, with an average of 5 days, for patients to start showing symptoms. The death rate is currently being reported between 2 to 4%, which makes it 10x deadlier than influenza
Currently there is no medical cure for COVID-19
Course Content Example 2:
What Should be in Your Infection Control Plan?
Your Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response plan should include such considerations as:
- Where, how, and to what sources of infectious diseases, like COVID-19, might workers be exposed to, including:
- The general public, customers, other coworkers
- Sick individuals or those who are high risk of infection - such as international travelers who have visited an area with an ongoing outbreak, or those with weakened immune systems
- Non-occupational risk factors at home and in community settings
- Workers who live with those known or suspected to have COVID-19
- Those workers/workplaces that are in a geographical area with a known or suspected outbreak of COVID-19
- Workers' individual risk factors - older age, presence of chronic medical conditions
- Controls necessary to address those risks
Course Content Example 3:
Develop, Implement, and Communicate About Workplace Flexibility and Protections
Actively encourage sick employees to stay home!
Ensure that your sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidance, communicate these with your employees
Talk with contract workers about the importance of them staying home if sick, encourage contract companies to develop non-punitive leave policies
It is recommended not to require a doctor's note when employees experience symptoms of a respiratory illness to validate their illness or to return to work. Healthcare providers may be extremely busy and not able to provide documentation in a timely manner
Maintain flexibility around employees needing to stay home to take care of a sick family member
Be aware of workers concerns around pay, leave, safety, health and other issues that may arise during an outbreak of an infectious disease
Work with insurance companies and local health care agencies to provide information to your staff and customers about medical care for a COVID-19 outbreak
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